ROSEMET LLC Comment Policy

Last Updated: July 25, 2023


At ROSEMET LLC, we value the principles of free speech and open dialogue. We aim to cultivate an environment that encourages diversity of thought while ensuring respectful and considerate discussions. This comment policy is designed to uphold these principles.


This comment policy applies to all user interactions on our website, blog, training, and coaching sessions, whether they be in written, video, audio, or any other format.


ROSEMET supports free expression and encourages thoughtful exchanges of ideas. We ask all participants to:

- Show respect and consideration for all participants.

- Ensure comments are relevant to the topic at hand.

- Refrain from spamming or posting promotional content.

- Understand that hate speech, personal attacks, or discriminatory comments are not acceptable.

While upholding the principles of free speech, there are certain boundaries to its application. As such, we will not permit comments that:

- Off-topic comments

- Are harassing, intimidating, or defamatory to others.

- Violate privacy, confidentiality, or proprietary rights of others.

- Promote or encourage illegal activities.

- Are threatening or promoting harm towards others.


In our commitment to free speech, we also strive to maintain a community rooted in respect and consideration. Therefore, all comments will be moderated to ensure compliance with this policy. We reserve the right to remove any comments that violate these guidelines and, if necessary, restrict access to individuals who consistently breach these rules. 


To post a comment on our platform, users may be required to provide the following information:

- Name

- Email address

- Website address (optional)

This information is used exclusively for comment moderation and to send updates about ROSEMET's services. We are committed to respecting your privacy and will not share this information with third parties without explicit consent, except where required by law.


By posting a comment on our website, blog, training, or coaching sessions, you acknowledge your agreement to this Comment Policy. You also understand and agree that we have the right to moderate, use, and display your comment in accordance with this policy.

Dispute Resolution

Should a dispute arise from a comment, we will seek to resolve the issue internally. If necessary, we may refer the matter to an independent arbitrator or the relevant authorities.


Should you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding this Comment Policy, you can contact us at [email protected].

Policy Amendments

ROSEMET reserves the right to amend this Comment Policy at any time as we deem necessary. Continued use of these platforms after any changes have been posted signifies your agreement to these modifications.


This policy is governed by the laws of the State of South Carolina, United States. In the event of a legal dispute, users agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of South Carolina.

This policy has been constructed in adherence to U.S. and international laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and South Carolina’s breach notification laws.