Project Pulse Journal

Authorization & Originality


ROSEMET Authorization and Originality Certification


By submitting a manuscript to ROSEMET LLC ("ROSEMET"), the author(s) certify and agree to the following terms:

  1. Originality: The submitted manuscript represents original work by the author(s) that has not been previously published in whole or in part, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere, in any form of academic journal or copyrighted material.
  2. Exclusivity: The author(s) agree not to submit the manuscript for review or publication consideration to another journal or copyrighted material while the manuscript is under review by ROSEMET and until a formal decision about the publication or rejection is communicated by ROSEMET.
  3. Withdrawal: If the author(s) wish to withdraw the manuscript from consideration, they agree to notify ROSEMET in writing (email being an acceptable form).
  4. Copyright: Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication by ROSEMET, the author(s) grant in perpetuity to ROSEMET the exclusive right to publish and distribute the manuscript in any ROSEMET publication, website, or any hosting site or database, in any format or medium. ROSEMET may assign or transfer these rights.
  5. Author Rights: The author(s) retain copyright of the manuscript and reserve the right to use the work for any other purpose, including but not limited to distribution, reproduction, public presentation, and use as a basis for future works, provided that ROSEMET is cited as the place of first publication.
  6. Compliance: The author(s) agree to comply with ROSEMET's Publishing Policies and Submission Guidelines as outlined by ROSEMET LLC.
  7. Plagiarism: The author(s) affirm that they have thoroughly checked the manuscript for any potential plagiarism using plagiarism detection software (such as, iThenticate, or Originality.AI) and that any sources are properly cited in accordance with acceptable academic practice.
  8. Charges and Fees: The author(s) acknowledge that the submission of the manuscript is contingent upon payment of any applicable article processing charge as required by ROSEMET and then a publication service charge will only be payable upon acceptance of the manuscript.
  9. Legal Responsibility: The author(s) accept all legal responsibility for the content of the manuscript, including the accuracy of citations, quotations, figures, and facts, and assure that any necessary permissions have been obtained.
  10. Imagery, Links, and Accessibility: Upon acceptance of the manuscript, the author(s) agree that ROSEMET has the right to add photographic content and alt image attributes to images related to the published article to enhance the article's online presence and accessibility. Such additions will be at the discretion of ROSEMET and will align with the context and content of the article to maintain its integrity.

Submission of a manuscript to ROSEMET LLC, along with the payment of any applicable charges, implies the author(s)' consent to and agreement with all the terms and conditions stated in this Authorization and Originality Certification.