Project Pulse Journal

Editorial Process


ROSEMET Editorial Process


Phase 1: Manuscript Submission and Initial Review

  1. Guidelines and Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts according to these specifications (Click Here).
  2. Acknowledgement of Receipt: On submission of the manuscript and payment of the article processing charge, an email to the author(s), confirming receipt of their manuscript and payment.
  3. Initial Screening: The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) or a designated managing editor conducts a preliminary assessment. This includes checking for adherence to the submission guidelines, relevance to Project Pulse’s scope, and general scholarly standards. 

Phase 2: Editorial Review

  1. Review by Editorial Team: The manuscript is reviewed by the editorial team (which may include the EIC, managing editors, and possibly a team of editorial advisors). The focus should be on the quality of the research, clarity of presentation, and adherence to field-specific standards.
  2. Feedback and Decision: The editorial team provides constructive feedback and a decision—accept as is, accept with minor revisions, revise and resubmit, or reject.

Phase 3: Revision and Final Approval

  1. Author Revisions: If revisions are required, authors should be given detailed feedback and a clear timeframe for resubmission.
  2. Review of Revisions: The revised manuscript is reviewed again by the editorial team to ensure all suggested improvements have been adequately addressed.
  3. Final Decision: The editorial team makes a final decision. If accepted, the manuscript moves to the publication phase.
  4. Publication Service Charge: Upon approval, the author(s) will render the publication service charge.

Phase 4: Publication Preparation

  1. Copyediting, Proofreading, Links, and Images: Accepted manuscripts undergo professional copyediting and proofreading to refine language, grammar, and formatting.
  2. Author Approval: Provide authors with a final version of their manuscript for approval before publication.
  3. Publication: Once approved, the manuscript is scheduled for publication on ROSEMET’s Project Pulse site.